On the edge of life, A film by Yaser Kassab
About the film:
Yaser and his partner Rima leave Syria to Lebanon, but after receiving the news that his younger brother passed away in Aleppo, they end up in a remote and an empty place in Turkey.
In this place where the silence and the monotonous daily life being broken by the loud noise of the family calls whom still living in Aleppo.
To spend a year and a half, which was almost like a slumber and a coma, waking up every day on the recurring nightmares echo.
This film has received the support of Bidayyat's documentary grant 2013
"300 Miles" a film by Orwa Al Mokdad
Orwa Al Mokdad starts a journey from Daraa, southern Syria, to Aleppo, northern Syria, to understand the reasons that have shattered the whole Arab region over the country’s history and the distance that has grown for the past five years, since the beginning of the Syrian war. A distance that has split the region and its
inhabitants into North and South.
This film has received the support of Bidayyat’s documentary grant 2014
“Citizen Journalist”, a film by Salah Ashkar
The film, tells the story of a Syrian citizen who decides to risk becoming a photographer and cameraman in order to preserve and communicate the voice of the Syrian revolution in Aleppo. Over the course of four years the war turns him into a machine, stripped of his humanity, robotically churning out images of blood and tragedy, only for a traumatic experience to restore him to his senses. He films a group of twenty-two children during an exhibition of their paintings. Twenty-four hours later, their exhibition is bombed from the air and he returns to film their lifeless corpses.
"Houses without doors", a film by Avo Kaprealian
The film portrays the changes in the life of an Armenian family on Aleppo’s frontline in Al Midan, an area that brought shelter to the persecuted Armenians 100 years ago and today to many displaced Syrians. From the balcony of his home, the director films with a small camera the changes in his neighborhood and his own family, interweaving his images with extracts from classical films to illustrate the parallels between the Armenian genocide and Syrians’ reality today.
Produced by Bidayyat 2015
The Camera and the Samopal
The sky fell. The rusty fragments of metal rent air thick with the reek of bodies burnt by artillery fire and napalm. The buildings, warring with the thickets of lance-like rifles, groaned in the pitch-black night, alive with the endless screams of people who could find no way to live save tearing one another to pieces.
The sky dropped earthwards with the falling barrel, the distance between it and the machine guns and the gore-drenched bodies beneath less than the distance that divides the 50mm lens in the bag from the 55mm lens on the camera. The barrel takes seven seconds...
About Bidayyat's production "Being Good So Far" part 2 by Orwa Al Mokdad written by Emma Farne'
Il cortometraggio di un giovane siriano
Siria, ecco Aleppo come non l'avete mai vista
Orwa al Mokdad è un 29enne di Deraa e attraverso Bidayyat, ong siriana, mostra in "Being Good so Far" quello che, secondo lui, "non si vede sui media". Di sé dice: "Non sono un turista, né un giornalista. Sono un cittadino siriano e questa è la mia rivoluzione"
Orwa al Mokdad
Siria, bombardamenti ad Aleppo. Almeno 16 morti
Siria, pioggia di bombe ad Aleppo: 40 morti in 24 ore
Siria, strage di bambini ad Aleppo
Satira e caricature, gli arabi deridono i militanti dello Stato Islamico
L'Aleppo siriana come la Berlino di Rossellini in...