Ettijahat for Independent Culture
Ettijahat is an organization that stimulates the growth of independent culture in Syria by encouraging a positive and real relationship between culture and Syria’s diverse communities
Ettijahat is an independent institution that was formed by a number of Syrian cultural activists in 2011 as a civil company. Our programmes and projects are based on cultural planning, research, advocacy, networking and cultural management. We also provide varied support to independent cultural projects, including designing an integrated approach that emphasizes the link between independent cultural and its political, social and economic contexts. In doing so, we hope to positively affect creative and institutional work in the cultural sector and in Syria. Ettijahat works on three primary axes:
Firstly on being part of an active and independent cultural movement in Syria by cooperating with independent artists and cultural actors on dynamic and relevant projects that respond to their political and social environments, and that reflect people’s priorities (here and now).
Secondly, Ettijahat provides the basic tools and structures (including studies and research) required to design and build cultural projects that are in-line with regional and national developments in the fields of art and culture.
Lastly, on developing national policies and approaches to art and culture and shifting general understanding of culture from part of the service sector in Syria, to a vital element in the country’s development sector. Ettijahat is guided by a number of overarching principals and values. These are: a high appreciation and value for freedoms; a democratic and open relationship between artists and receiver; respect for all types of cultural and artistic expression; decentralization in execution and planning of cultural work by focusing on artistic collaborations, supporting creativity, and supporting cultural projects that emerge from disadvantaged areas.
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