Incorrect table name '' Bidayyat :: Marseille International Festival Of Documentary Films

Marseille International Festival Of Documentary Films


Marseille International Festival of Documentary Film (in French the "Festival international du documentaire de Marseille of FIDMarseille") is a documentary film festival held yearly since 1989 in Marseille, France and usually takes place in July of each year.  

A festival to what end? To share with the public today’s cinemas. Yes, the cinema harbors a plural, a plurality of forms, formats, lengths, approaches and gazes. A unique moment when directors from all over the world rub nourish our present with all they have. If FIDMarseille’s roots are in the documentary, it is to remember realities are our ground, without forgetting that this soil propagates many different worlds and even more ways of bearing witness to them. And if this testimony is a necessity, an urgency, it is with the conscience that we must find the courage, the precision, the joyful conviction too, to make heard and seen, that in the name of which it moves forward. Unexpected, daring, pertinent, rebellious, as surprising as our world knows how to be, this is the kind of cinema that the FID is excited to champion.

Film categories accepted

Deadline for submission


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