The Short film “love during the siege”, Winner of the Samir Kassir Award, at The Norwegian Short Film Festival


The Right to Territory, the Right to Life


The Short film “love during the siege”, by Mattar Isameel, produced by Bidayyat, will be screened at The Norwegian Short Film Festival, within a Special Program entitled: “The Right to Territory, the Right to Life”


The screening will take place on Thursday June 9th at 12:00, at the festival venue Grimstad Culture House.


About The film:

More than two years have passed and the Syrian regime still besieges the Southern suburbs of Damascus where a population of more than 100,000 people live until today. During those two years, more than 200 died of hunger and the lack of medical care. The remaining still live under the siege, surviving only by what grows from the earth such as grass and other green leafs and vegetables. They fight the siege and hunger through hope and love they have learned to find during the hardest of time. 


Link to the festival’s announcement:

#Samir Kassir  # Mattar Isameel  #The Norwegian Short Film Festival